We are welcoming you to our series of eleven articles on Dynamics 365 Commerce, where we dive into the world of modern retail and business management. In this first article, "Exploring D365 Commerce," we will introduce you to the importance of Dynamics 365 Commerce today. This article will be followed up by these ten other articles:
How to connect Retail CPOS to a hardware station (activation)
Dynamics 365 Commerce channels
Setting up Omnichannel in D365 Commerce
Configure omnichannel prerequisites in D365 Commerce
Dynamics d365 Commerce Payment methods
Setup PayPal
Configure mode of delivery
Configure info codes
Manage channel inventory
Customer engagement in d365
In today's world, where customers expect more, Dynamics 365 Commerce has tried to create a complete omnichannel solution. It combines the operations of the back-office, physical stores, call centers, and online storefronts.
Dynamics 365 Commerce simplifies store operations by integrating all essential aspects into one place. This overview will walk us through Dynamics 365 Commerce main feature such as in-store Point of Sale operations, product recommendations, and strategies to increase profitability.
The enclosed picture shows the capacities of Commerce and how they integrate with one another.
Today's shoppers are well-informed and want their shopping experience to be smooth and helpful. The requirements are the following:
Making sure customers have an integrated online and in-store experience.
Giving employees the right tools to provide good service to their customers.
Enhance how products are planned and displayed.
Ensure that the supply chain works well at every step of the customer's journey.
Key features of Commerce
Here are the key features of Commerce:
Unified commerce. Retailers need to provide consistent shopping experience across all their retail outlets.
Store Commerce for Windows. This feature allows you to manage sales, orders, operations, and inventory across various devices.
Merchandise management. Before offering products for sale, they must be created and configured within Commerce.
Customer loyalty programs: These programs enhance customer loyalty by rewarding interactions with your brand.
This Commerce solution is using technology to create more than just a place to make purchases. The goal is to create one experience for the customer, regardless of which channel customers use.
Stay with us in the following Commerce series of articles to learn more.