Working with multiple legal entities in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance can involve a high effort during the configuration of the system and once the project is live, if in the support phase is required to create new parameters/configuration in multiple entities.

To avoid this effort is possible to use the definition of Cross-Company Data Sharing, that lets you to replicate (share) references and group data in several companies. This functionality includes data integrity to verify everything is correct before replication occurs.

This configuration is done in the path System administration > Setup > Configure cross-company data sharing.

Here we will see the data sharing groups and we can create a new one with the '+New' option. Once the group is created and you have assigned a name, you need to start to select the tables you want to share, and the legal entities where the data will be shared.

For each table is possible to select the fields you would like to share or not, selecting the checkbox. You need to think about the specific fields related to the localizations (specific by country) to determine if you should selected it or not.

Once the tables and entities are selected, you need to click 'Enable'; this will replicate the data between the companies, having the option to copy all the existing values between all the selected entities or not:

There are some limitations to have in mind:

  • Number sequences shouldn't be shared.

  • Transactions cannot be shared.

  • Ledger accounts and financial dimensions have there own logic about sharing, so you should not selected in these groups.

  • This functionality can’t be used with dual-write.

Before to start with the setup, my recommendation is spend some time thinking the best approach for your implementation: create groups based on tables with a common component or based on locations/countries to create the most effective configuration as possible. Once you have clear what to share don't hesitate to start using it, it will save time and avoid issues in the future.

Thanks for reading and write us if you have some questions.

Written by Cittros team

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